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Guzmans leadership of the cartel also brought immense wealth and power. After all, its really hard to keep him behind the bars. The following is an excerpt from cnn detailing this. The destinies of both the cartel and its leader are uncertain at. Get all the stories you needtoknow from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your. The mexican government confirmed guzman s injuries early. Presently facing numerous charges related to drug trafficking, money laundering and gun violations in the united states, his cartels operations were reportedly aided by. While it is difficult to determine the exact wealth of these masterminds, here are some of the richest and most dangerous gangsters of all time. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets.

The 20 richest criminals in the world updated 2020. Edgar guzman lopez born may 30, 1986died may 8, 2008 is a mexican drug dealer from mexico. The kingpin raised his drug empire to be one of the worlds biggest cartels. The criminal organization was named the mexican pacific coast state of sinaloa where it was formed. The magazine dropped him from the list in 20, saying it couldnt verify his. Learn about his life, criminal career, arrests, prison escapes, and more in this article. Guzmans cartel has smuggled billions of dollars worth of cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines into the. Joaquin guzman loera net worth celebrity net worth. Meza claims to have represented guzman in mexico city, and on monday.

He has made all his empire with his criminal activities, like selling drugs, racketeering women, and killing and stealing from people. Now, while guzman waits the drug trial of the century, sinaloas power is slowly declining. Although there arent many records about the lifestyle of the drug lord, his kids surely dont. How the worlds most notorious drug lord was captured.

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